It is the policy of Quickie Products LLC. to offer the highest quality products at the best possible prices.
All products are fully assembled and tested prior to shipping, this reduces the possibility of the unfortunate surprise factor of not receiving a part or having a malfunction out of the box. Unfortunately, Murphy could still raise his ugly head. We are proud of our quality controls and our customer service. If an issue does arise with one of our products, such as freight damage, missing parts, etc. Please contact us soon as possible.
Call us at 832-240-5700 Or Email : Info@Quickiecart.com
Once your Quickie Cart Color has been selected, and we have wrapped it there will be a %25 Restocking fee if you cancel your order.
Quickie Products Does not accept returns for systems that we are able to fix through our warranty procedures.
(Whether it has shipped or not, Due to Custom color choices and labor involved May be waived at Quickie Products Discretion)
Freight Damages must be reported on the bill of lading and Quickie Products LLC. must be contacted within 24 hrs in order for us to file freight claims with the carrier.
Quickie Products is not Liable for any damages incurred during transit. Damages must be noted on the bill of lading before the driver leaves or the product is picked up at the freight terminal, in order to file a damage claim with the freight lines. Quickie Products has no control over whether a freight claim is dispensed or not, it is solely up to the Freight Company.
When shipping a Mini Golf Cart, due to the size and nature of traveling on a freight truck minor scratches/gouges/cosmetic damage may appear, Quickie Products is not liable for damage after it leaves our docks in pristine condition. Should any damages occur, cosmetic or otherwise in the paint, or vinyl wrap on the quickie cart occur that Quickie Products determines didnt happen during the freight process will be handled on a pro-rated cost basis determined by the size and nature of the damage. Any reimbursements will be at the sole discretion of Quickie Products LLC.
Quickie Products cannot guarantee that the vinyl wrap will be perfect and without any imperfections due to the travel conditions inside the truck during very hot times the wrap may shrink and show slight gaps where it is tucked in the trim of the cart. This can be fixed with patches, however quickie products will not re-wrap an entire cart for small issues as such. If the damage is notable it will be handled on a pro-rated basis and determined by Quickie products management on how it will be fixded or you will be compensated.
Note: Quickie Products LLC. reserves the right to automatically bill any additional freight charges that were not disclosed at the time of ordering. Such as Trade shows, Residential, Lift-gate Services, Farm etc.
All of the products produced by Quickie Products LLC. have been tested under adverse conditions. Use of these products in a negligent manner, or under the influence of any substances (Drugs/Alcohol/Prescription Pills) ,that result in damage to the system, or personal injury is not the Fault of Quickie Products LLC.
Quickie Products LLC will not be liable for any damage incurred.
Quickie Products LLC Maintains the rights to change specifications on the carts without prior notice.
Modifications or changes made in any Cart by Quickie Products LLC, without written consent from Quickie Products LLC, will void the warranty and returns associated with that product.
Quickie Products LLC maintains the right to make all final decisions regarding any returns.
In order for it to even be possible, You must initiate the return process within 15 days of the Quickie Cart leaving our docks. The Quickie Cart must be in pristine condition, have no scratches, dents, flat tires, broken headlights, Cosmetic damage etc... It must be returned in its original packaging and crate.
If a product is eligible for return, you must pay a 25% restocking fee and freight to get it back to us.
If we receive a cart that is damaged, you the customer will be charged accordingly for the repair and labor.
All returns must be in sell-able condition. When packaging and banding, make sure that the components do not come in contact with each other and scratch the surface. If the All parts must be returned.
Too many consumers have tried to take advantage of the system. Instead of using proper diagnostic procedures, some consumers (mostly do-it-yourselfers, but also some so-called professionals) resort to trial-and-error parts swapping when they don't know how else to fix an electrical problem. When parts they have installed do not fix their problem, they want to return them and try something else.
Electrical/electronic parts are easily damaged by improper installation or testing. Because electronics are very sensitive to voltage overloads, it does not take much of a voltage spike to ruin a component.
Unplugging a wiring connector while the key is still on can create a momentary voltage surge of hundreds of volts. Crossing up the wrong wires or using the wrong test procedures can also damage sensitive electronics. There is no way of knowing whether or not the part has been used or damaged by improper installation.
Because of such risks, Quickie Mini Golf Carts will refuse to allow returns on any electronic components. This may seem unfair to some customers, but it protects the next customer who might get a bad part that had been
It is up to the customer to research the Quickie Cart and specifications prior to purchase. All information about a Quickie Product is available on this website, such as literature, product specification, photos.
If more information is needed before making a purchasing decision, please contact us so we may assist you in your questions or concerns.
Please Note:
Quickie Products reserves the right if there is any unpaid balance on your account that we cannot collect on I.E (Ancillary trucking charges, sales tax, or any other types of balances) and they have not been paid it will void your warranty on the system.
If there is any freight damage noted upon delivery, note the damage on the freight bill and contact Quickie Products LLC. right away with the information. Email a copy of the freight bill to us at Info@Quickiecart.com
This must be done within 24 hours to allow us to file a freight claim with the carrier.
If available, take pictures and email them to info@Quickiecart.com
If this procedure is not followed, we must assume that the damage occurred after the delivery date.
6 Month Limited Warranty Program:
You will bring your Quickie-Cart to a local golf cart dealership that has a Curtis 1313 Handheld programmer and they will diagnose the system. Work on the cart will only be covered if Quickie-Products LLC gives the go-ahead and it is confirmed that is the best solution to fix your problem. This prevents shops from charging excessive amounts for things that may be unnecessary. Quickie Products pays up to 80/HR for labor on warranty work.
All Warranty Claims must be made within the Warranty Period for the Quickie Cart and have its original Serial # or it will not be honored. This is due to Quickie Products being unable to ensure that these issues arose while the cart was covered under the warranty.
In the event of warranty replacement parts, we will bill you for the part being sent to you unless otherwise directed by Quickie Products LLC management.
Once the defective part has been returned to Quickie Products LLC and found that it was a warranty issue, you will be credited for the charge.
The defective component must be returned within 15 days, or credit cannot be issued.
This policy has had to be implemented due to the following reason.
Some of our components are purchased from outside vendors. These vendors also have a warranty return policy. When we send a part out under warranty, and do not receive the defective component, we cannot file a warranty claim with that specific vendor for repair or replacement under their policy deadlines.